Friday, January 18, 2008

My Frugal Friday......

I usually carpool to our local Homeland grocery store with either my friends Karen or M. Ann. It's way on the other side of town, so the deals have to be worth it to use the gas. Plus, its fun to have someone to shop with! It's also great because there's always some un-marked freebie we seem to find when we tag team!
So, here's how I did today. The total before coupons/sale was $85.26.
here's the higlights:
4 bottles of kraft salad dressing -$1 each AC
2 peanut butters- Free AC-I actually made $1.22 off each one!
2 pkg's of sausage links- free AC!
2 boxes captain crunch cereal- $1/box
Super Pretzels- .25 AC
2 Pepperidge farm breads- .25 each AC
3 lb. bag of onions- .97
Wholey Guacamole- .50 AC
2 pkg. borden sliced cheese- .86 each AC
2 Welch's grape jelly- .35 each AC
2 Sargento Shredded cheese- 1.16 each AC
2 bags of birds eye veggies- FREE!
Total OOP: 27.55


Anonymous said...

Wow, great savings!
btw, have I told you what a GORGEOUS plant you have? he he he

Ashley said...

That is awesome!!

Allison said...

Is this the one on Brookside?

You should go on Saturdays and then just hang out over there. There is a good thrift shop down the street. :)

Mrs. Nichole J. said...

Great DEAL!
And thats cool you can tag team with your friend.
My sis in law sometimes hit CVS together and its GREAT!

Mom2fur said...

Phantasmagorical!!! (I'm sure I did not spell that right.) And here I thought I was doing great with my 50% savings this week, LOL!