Saturday, April 24, 2010

Eight Months

It's hard to believe that Bryson is 8 months old today!

* Scooting/crawling all over the house- as you can tell by the photos, he doesn't want to stay still for long!
* Received our 1st set of PE tubes yesterday due to 6 total ear infections.
* still wearing size 3 diapers
* wearing 6-12 month clothing
* started wearing little robeez shoes
* eating some mushy banana pieces and the pincher grasp is emerging
* Bryson is really wanting to stand and walk- hes just not quite there yet.
* Sleeping from about 8/8:30pm to 6:30am every night.
* Adores wagon rides and basically just being outside.
* He's starting to want to play with Leia- ie follow her around the house

1 comment:

Susannah said...

He is so big! Isn't it so hard to get a decent picture now??? I still give her the monthly sign to take her pictures and she tries to eat it!