Thursday, October 30, 2008

Psst & Target!

I found some great deals at Target yesterday! For $6 I got a brand-new smoothie maker. It was closeout since it's box was beyond repair. I took it over to the dressing room area, and they allowed me to plug it in to see if it works. It appears to work just fine, and the manager told me that even though it was on closeout, I could still return it with my receipt if it didn't work at home.
Anywho, the Ziplock 25 pack sandwich bags by the register are on sale for $0.84 and I used 4 $0.75/1 printable from the Right @ Home newsletter. I paid $0.40 for 100 bags!
I also picked up some stuff for our upcoming Friendsgiving celebration.

Then, when I got home, I found this in the mailbox from General Mills Psst program that I joined online (for free) a while back.

I have plenty of $1.25/1 frozen cinnamon roll coupons to share. So Tulsa friends- if you want one, let me know. I'll keep 'em w/ me for a while.

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