Monday, May 23, 2011

Twenty One Months

Bryson is turning into such a sweet little boy. With the warmer weather, we've been spending most of our time outside. He loves to follow Brandon and I around, 'helping' with whatever we're doing. He helped wash cars, put laundry in the dryer and make chocolate chip cookies yesterday. He loves to play in the water, specifically his water table and the pool at swim lessons. He's still not quite sure of his Elmo sprinkler.


- He moved up to size 5 diapers

- He's almost completely into 2T shirts

- Still taking good afternoon naps/sleeping well at night.

- Bryson's about to move up to a 6 1/2 or 7 in his shoe size

- He's starting to combine 2 words together. Most of the time it's 'my' or 'mine' paired with the name of the object.

- He LOVES to give hugs and kisses

- Bryson is OBSESSED with Elmo, painting and coloring. He also really enjoys naming all the members in our family and all the animal sounds.

I'm looking forward to the summer, as I'm only going to work three days a week instead of four. We'll be able to spend more time together and play with our friends more! It's going to be a great!!!!

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