I was given this hand-me-down sling (http://www.hotslings.com/baby_slings/everyday_collection) by another friend, and I really wanted to try it out. Thus, Leia became our test subject:
Leia weighs about 8 lbs, and it was really easy to get her in and out of the sling, and it was really comfortable while she was in there. Brandon insisted on a photo, because it was just too cute!
Here's my 31 week belly shot- I'm feeling rather 'out-there'.....
Back on the baby sling/baby-wearing topic, did you use a sling?
If so, which one?
I also have the Eddie Bauer one from Target- so I'm starting off with 2 options.......
I love love love my hotsling. I still use it and Cole is almost a year. If you need any help with holds let me know. I will do my best to instruct you for a distance. The dvd they send you really helped me. I am a visual learner.
Moby wrap and Ergo are 2 of my favorites. I have used them through 3 babies so far! I was intimidated by the Moby at first but after learning the basic wrap, it was super easy : -)
I use a peanut shell sling and have loved it! It works great at church so the baby can just snuggle in and sleep the whole time. We don't take her to the nursery so this works. I haven't tried others but look forward to hearing how you like the ones you have! Looking great momma! I can't believe the time is almost here for your boy! Many prayers your way!
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