It's Bloggy Giveaway time!
Welcome to my blog! Please feel free to look around at my frugal/couponing tips and to click anything on the sidebar that might peek your interest.
What will be given away?
An envelope full of coupons and a $7 Williams and Sonoma Gift Card.
How do I enter?
Leave me a comment about changes you/your family has made to become more frugal. If you aren't a blogger, make sure and leave me your email address so I can get ahold of you.
The contest will end Friday, April 25th @ 3pm. I will post the winner here on my blog.
Fine Print?
Multiple enteries will be deleted and I will only mail within the U.S. Also, I'll use a random # generator to pick the winner.
Good luck! :)
Slow Cooker Bolognese
10 hours ago
We are web page twins! I do not go grocery shopping hungry or without a list. Just wandering up and down the aisles is asking for trouble!
I started couponing! :) And I love Williams Sonoma... their stuff is amazing!
I make all of my own cleaning supplies, I cook a lot of my stuff from scratch, and I generally keep things simple as far as my wardrobe is concerned. I would love to be entered in your giveaway!
*drool* William's Sonoma
Check out my giveaways!
My biggest new way to become more frugal is by reading blogs like yours! It's inspired me to spend w a y less on food, if I can figure out exactly how.
Already I buy less and less convenience food and we cook from scratch.
This is a fun giveaway; it reinforces the changes I'm trying to make - Thanks!! :)
I shop the grocery stores for sale items and shop Aldis.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Thanks for coming by my blog and entering my giveaway, good luck! My Sunday paper subscription was not renewed so I would love the coupons and of course the gift card too. I make my own laundry detergent (picture tutorial on my blog), most of my cleaning supplies, herbal medicines, coupons, the CVS thing and wanting to start a garden.
I coupon like crazy! I also only shop once a week; that helped cut down costs due to less impulse buys! Thanks! ( )
Can never have too many coupons!
I shop using sales and coupons and we also have stopped using paper napkins and paper towels.
love William's Sonoma. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I've started shopping at CVS for our cosmetics and medicine.
I've recently started couponing and CVSing. It's paying off!
I've started to use CFLs in all our lights.
I am a couponer for sure!! that is how I save money. We also just joined a CSA for the summer. Only 12.50 a week for organic fruits and veggies for the summer. Yummy!
I have been diligently menu planning and basing my shopping list on what I am cooking. No impulse buys unless it is a really great deal!
Thanks for the chance!
We are trying to be "green" and frugal by carpooling more. We also clip coupons and I am going to try the CVS thing... Thanks for the chance!
I saved 65.00 this week with coupons and buy ones and get one free deals.
We use coupons :)
We have reduced our grocery shopping to about once every two weeks and purchase a number of items in bulk or on sale. We also have a large freezer for keeping meat, frozen produce, baked goods, etc. I make nearly all of our meals from pre-packaged convenience foods. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.
michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com
I love coupons and who doesn't like Williams-Sonoma? Count me in, this would be a fun prize!
I have started printing coupons at home.
Thanks to your site and the Money Saving Mom site, I have coupon clipper OCD!I even buy an extra paper on Sunday,because it pays for itself with the coupons. Thanks for the giveaway, I read your blog daily!
I just learned to buy a whole chicken and roast it-then debone it later for chicken pieces. This is so much cheaper than using just chicken breasts! And it's easy!
This sounds great!
You had me when you said "coupons." I would love to win!
We have learned about "stockpiling" and how to take advantage of sales + coupons. I rarely buy something without a coupon.
We are couponing, price matching, searching on line for sales, reading frugal blogs for tips.
Let's see, The Man was laid off two weeks ago and so far we have been more frugal by cutting back on the following:
Cell Phone
Day Care
The day care part is the best. I'm saving $173 a week!
Started a small garden. Basil, tomato, fruit trees, fruit bushes, mint, dill, and spinach.
Buying used clothes.
Being awry of what I buy and use.
We've started growing our own garden and planning out meals way ahead of time. Still very much a work of progress!
I've started couponing and it's saved us LOADS of money!!!Thanks for offering it!
I have just started using coupons, which has also resulted in not going shopping with out a list. I love leaving the store reading my receipt to see how much i saved!
I am part of and save so much money with coupons!!!
I clip coupons and match them to sales with, and I've instituted a sandwich night and leftover night on the meal plan too.
We've stopped eating out (except Sunday lunch), I've started clipping coupons, and shopping at CVS. These have saves me some serious money!! Thanks!
Since starting to stay home with our new adopted son. It became a real issue of saving $ when ever possible. I started using coupons in the stores with the lowest price for those items. Doing the "cvs' thing. AND doubling recipes do I can freeze the extra for later/easier cooking!Saves alot on going out to eat.
I've started really looking for good sales and doing research before making most purchases and using coupons a lot more. Making a meal plan for the week or month at a time always saves me money at the grocery store as well.
lots of coupons and I am try winco tomorrow
I've started cutting out more coupons....I'm just trying to figure out where the best deals are, so I can get it down to a system. I am in the process of finding out when and where the double/triple coupons are, etc...cause man, it's convenient to shop at Walmart, but it's really not saving us any money!
I recently started looking at coupons as cash. Now, I'm clipping coupons, shopping at CVS, and reading frugal blogs. I can already see a big difference in our budget. Thanks for the giveaway!
couponconfessions at comcast dot net
We are investigating getting chickens. The price of eggs is just getting to be outrageous and it costs next to nothing for chicken feed. Also if it gets to be too much work and we hate it then...well, we'll just eat them and be done with it. Otherwise I shop at ALDI and get as many on-line freebies and coupons as possible.
Hi - we use lots of coupons and always shop by a list, never straying. What a great giveaway! I'd love to win. Thanks and please enter mine, too!
I won't shop without coupons, and constantly look for sales, one of the other ways we save money is by only eating out with coupons or if we have giftcards.
I've started matching coupons with sales, and it has made a huge difference! :)
I started CVSing! It is so fun!
The Grocery Game has been helping me cut costs. Great giveaway. :)
Hi there!
I started a system where I only go shopping once a month. I leave the babies with Dad, fill a thermos with coffee and hit every store in two towns in one day, usually the first Friday of the month. I prepare a menu for the month and organize my lists the week before I go shopping. This is a good system for us. It helps me stick to my grocery budget, and because I have such a full day I don't waste time browsing around and then impulse buying random stuff I don't need.
The kids prefer this method, too. They hate shopping. Now they get to spend time alone with Dad and we can use our once-a-week "outing day" doing something else.
Thanks for the contest!
I am a coupon nut. I plan out all my shopping and coupons Sunday night and head out Monday morning.
I am trying to use coupons and would love a bunch to get me "into it". I love your site!
We buy in bulk. Great giveaway! Count me in. bebemiqui82(at)yahoo(dot)com
That sounds great!! I want to get back into couponing, I've been slacking for so long...and with gas prices the way they are, I need to look for ways to cut back!
I was just at the grocery store buying some stuff with coupons and the checkout lady was telling me that they are seeing a lot more coupons lately. I recently bought a coupon organizer to help me keep up with the coupons I have been clipping. I match the coupons up with sales at the store to get more bang for my buck.
Curtailing eating out has probably been the biggest single change we've made to become more frugal.
We became much more frugal when my husband took over the finances. LOL! I know! But it's true. Now that I know he's looking at everything we've spent, I'm less likely to make impulse purchases.
Plan ahead! I try to plan my meals around what's on sale or I have coupons for or...BOTH!
I have always used coupons, but recently I purchased 8 sturdy, cotton bags to take with me when I go to the store!
We swap babysitting with our friends instead of paying a babysitter.
We've started recording everything we buy in this new program I downloaded called Ace Money. Google it, they have a free version that you can use to keep track of 1 account. I put everything in there and you can keep track of the catagory each spenditure goes under. Really helped us realize where we spend too much.
To become more frugal, my family has a budget. Now we know where every dollar goes and it helps us watch our spending.
We have been buying store brand food and products and not spending more on the name brands.
My family has starting planning frugal meals, watching ads in the paper, and clipping coupons. We have changed our eating habits drastically as grocery prices have risen.
Thank you for doing this giveaway.
Tiffany Rosson
tiffanyannrosson AT yahoo DOT com
I could always use coupons. Thanks!
Oh, I love, love, love this giveaway.
I have been cooking more, trying not to let food go to waste, looking for coupons online and in the Sunday paper, and shopping at Aldi!!
Don't eat out, have meatless meals a couple of times a week, put in a garden, use coupons, shop thrift stores, yard sales and shop at costco.
We clip coupons, use store "VIP" cards, try to carpool when we can (to help with the environment as well as save money!), don't eat out quite as often as we did or would like to and try not to impulse buy.
Two words: Dave Ramsey. Two more words: Meal Planning!!
I've cut waaaay back on how often I go to the grocery store. Fewer trips mean fewer impulse buys. I'm lovin' it!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Frugal is my middle name with a husband that teaches High school! I penny pinch by shopping at thrift stores! The have great clothes and books.
I do more shopping at thrift shops. There are some great bargains on clothes.
We never buy anything on credit -- we save up for what we want, and sometimes when we get close, we change our mind. Forget Xbox, lets' get a Wii...etc.
We stopped eating out. We do that MAYBE once a week now!
We've started making a menu a few weeks in advance. And we are shopping with a list.
I have recently started couponing
with a passion. I look forward to the Sunday paper every week. Thanks for the giveaway!
We are making a lot more from scratch. I haven't bought bread from the store in a couple months! Thanks for the giveaway!
All we do to save money...
Coupons and CVS, of course. (love me some homeland!!!)
we bunch errands together to save on gas.
we eat lunch in the school cafeteria (where we volunteer so we get good food, for like 4 bucks for the both of us, we can't eat at home for that)
we don't go out as much- we stay in aplay board games or watch movies or *gasp* do our homework
Trying to drive less and use more coupons.
We started couponing a year or two ago, we replaced our very old furnace with a new Trane, we're in the process of replacing all lightbulbs with CFLs, and we figure out who should use the hybrid that day based on how much traffic we'll each be sitting in.
I'm slowly working on becoming more frugal. One way I'm doing this is by using coupons for the first time EVER in my life! I hope to use the summer to become more and more skilled in the art of couponing!
Also, my husband and I decide on a daily basis who will drive the car or the truck. Whoever has to drive the farthest takes the car as it is MUCH better in the gas mileage arena!!
Thanks so much for doing this giveaway!!
Our list is long, but a favorite way of ours to save money is to never go out to eat. SOOOO much money saved....
I make a shopping list, send my husband shopping (he's far better about sticking to the list than I am!), and we're going to plant a garden.
This sounds like fun! Thank you.
we're driving ALOT LESS
Thanks for a great giveaway! I hope I'm the lucky winner! :)
yay coupons!
I have been trying to use more coupons.
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