It's a backwards additon of WFMW! So my question is, besides couponing, what are other ways that you are frugal?
We are wanting to buy a house late this year, and any extra $ we can save, the better off we'll be.
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Slow Cooker Bolognese
10 hours ago
Oh gosh.. I have SO many.
1)Coffee Drinker? Stop buying gourmet. Buy regular coffee and sprinkle cinnamon or nutmeg on the grounds before brewing. Instant gourmet coffee at a fraction of the cost.
2)Get rid of car payments.
3)Switch to the basic cable package. Ours runs $11.15 a month!
4)No eating out. Instead, MYOTO (Rachael Ray). Make-your-own-take-out. Find recipes to mimic your favorite take out menu.
5)Take movies out of the library instead of paying to rent. Better yet, get a membership to Movie Gallery. Often they will call when you haven't been in for a while and offer you a free rental. This is how we watch all our movies. You can also borrow from friends who own them.
6)Meal Planning will help you cut WAY down on grocery bills. And shop the perimeter of the store. The packaged stuff is more expensive and found in the middle aisles.
7)Shop less. If you need to run out for an item, bring cash and only enough for that item. You won't be tempted to pick up anything extra.
8)Save on your water bill. Use discarded pasta water to water your house plants.
Hope at least one of these helps save some more money toward your new home! Good luck to you!
Not eating out a lot definitely helps.
I also try to avoid shopping unless I really need something (groceries, gifts, etc). If I don't see what's out there, that's less I buy!
Also, I love the library! Free books, movies, and magazines. That saves a lot, if you tend to buy those things.
Best of luck! :)
I really like using the CVS ExtraCare program so that when you do shop for things, you can get them for free or really cheap. Good luck :)
It has helped me tremendously to pay attention to waste. I try to plan meals so I can use the leftovers. I try to not let a load of laundry sit in the washing machine- that saves the soap and water. I try to combine shopping trips- and only shop with a list. It's easier to resist temptations when you have a good list. I also write down every dollar that gets spent so that I know what's going where and can adjust the budget. Good luck with the house!
Gosh, where to start? Scout out all your local dollar store, closeout bargain stores, and good thrift stores including Goodwill. Check these first before buying anything anywhere else! Also, sign up for freebies online and join clubs from various company websites to receive perks like coupons (sometimes for free products) and samples in the mail. Take advantage of your library and other local activities for cheap or free entertainment. Have you heard of Freecycle? You can get lots of wonderful things free from people in your own commmunity, plus unload stuff you no longer need cluttering up your house. I've gotten the nicest second-hand clothes and toys for my son there, as well as brand new things like party supplies, teaching materials, craft stuff, etc.
Here is a list of little ways I try to cut back without totally depriving myself...
Making a menu plan and sticking to it is HUGE! You really can save a lot of money at the grocery by paying attention, stocking up using coupons and sales, and learning the CVS game (if you aren't already doing it.
Best of luck with the house! :)
I make myself rethink every single purchase - do I really need this? Is this the best way to accomplish what I need to?
And, I try to shop at home and look for creative ways to reuse what I already have.
This is great! We are also trying to save for a home!
Menu planning! Next to using coupons, it's the best way to save money on food. You are less likely to spend money on takeout if you know what's for dinner each night.
And btw, if you do use coupons...take the money you save shopping (read the bottom of your receipt, where it says, 'total savings' or whatever) and transfer it right into a savings account. You'll be surprised how fast it grows!
1)Learn to can and freeze food when it's in season. (and start a garden...if you don't have a yard, try window boxes for herbs and tomatoes).
2)Learn other skills that can eventually save you more money (ie: sewing, photography, refinish furniture, hair cutting,...)
3)Buy quality rather than quantity. You'll get more joy out of one well made pair of shoes than out of 4 painful cheap pairs, (we buy Birkenstocks...last poair has lasted over 10 years).
4)Cook/Bake at home. Avoid eating out for an entire month and save the money you would have used(actually put the amount into savings)...see how much money you save there.
5)Make a BUDGET and stick to it! One good way is to pay cash for everything, either directly or by using debit cards.
6)Recycle and reuse what you can. Your local Freecycle group can help you find things you need.
7)Look for food-buying clubs, co-ops and bulk discount offers from groups in your area to help cut your food expenses.
8)Check out what free programs your city offers. In addition to parks and bike trails, your city may hold free festivals, art exhibits and other fun activities year-round.
9)Visit your local library to find free entertainment and resources in the form of books, movies, story time, Internet access and more.
10)Look for deals. Buy the least expensive product you can live with. (I buy store name products all the time).
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