What a day..........It all started when I dismissed my 1:30pm group and settled into my office chair for some IEP writing and test scoring. Our Principal's secretary came over the intercom and called an IOC meeting- and then said 'this is not a drill'!
I immediately regretted not paying enough attention to the beginning of the year drills. The bells weren't going off, so I knew it wasn't fire or tornado........it was the intruder on campus call! I jumped up, locked my building door and turned off all my lights.
Then, in true Sarah fashion, I took it a step further and climbed under my desk :) Of course, I took my cell phone and laptop with me. I tend to over react.....just a little.
Turns out, there were several burglaries in the area, and the bad guys hadn't been apprehended yet. The police thought it would be best to lock down the school for about 40 minutes for everyones safety. The police walked around the school grounds and checked the wooded area behind the school.
Thank goodness I didn't have any kiddos in my room- I'm not good at remaining calm when I'm startled/excited! I'm really glad my school takes the staff and kid's safety so seriously and the police responded so quickly.
Never a dull moment at the elementary school :)
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