After running into Walgreens and not finding enough stock to qualify for the Kellogg's rebate, I decided to just price-comp the deal @ Wal-Mart.
If you don't know about this deal- it's great! Wal-Mart will match any competing stores price. I usually have the other store's ad with me, just in case the cashier asks for proof of the sale price. Most cashiers don't even blink or give you any trouble with this, but I've run into a few that do. I've found cashiers that I like & are coupon friendly, and I always try to check out with them. The Wal-Mart not too far from my house has great cashiers, so I never have much trouble.
Here's how I did today:
4 boxes of Kellogg's cereal- price comp to $1.25
4 boxes Nutrigrain bars- " "
2 Keebler cookies- price comp to $1.00
Glade air and odor elimator- price comp to $1.47= FREE after coupon!
9 Kool-aids- .20 each
Kraft salad dressing- FREE (coupon from All You- must buy 3 Kraft, etc products- Koolaid counts!)
Crystal Light- FREE (ditto)
Kraft sliced cheese- Free (ditto)
3 pencil pkgs- price comp to 0.09
Glade scented oil warmer- .87 after $4/1 coupon from Sunday's paper
Glade " " refills- $3.97 after $1/1 coupon
house plant and container for my room at school, glue sticks, butter, other groceries, etc.
Total OOP: $43.97
And I'll receive $10 back in rebate (meaning I paid $1 for all that Kelloggs!)
Total before coupons and price comp's: $81.42
I saved $37.45!! Now, I don't really like shopping at Wal-Mart, but you just can't beat the convience and ease of getting all these deals in one store.
Slow Cooker Bolognese
10 hours ago
ok here's my question - and it may be an obviously dumb one, so I apologize if there is something obvious I should know - but why don't you just go to that store that has the ad you are doing the price matching for? Does that make sense? :)
Yes- that makes sense :) It's because walgreens never has enough of what I want in stock, and it sure beats driving around town to 3 different stores- Walgreens, Food Pyramid and Reasors to get all my groceries :)
Those are some really good deals. I found a cereal deal at CVS weeks ago and got really stocked!
So WalMart will price comp the Walgreens ad, then you can use your coupons too, right? We're going to that funeral tomorrow, but if I go to WalMart I'll let you know how it goes. Also, what's OOP...I have yet to figure it out, enlighten me, please!
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