Back around Christmas, I added the google ads to my blog. It's a win-win situation for Google and myself. Google gets to post ads related to what I blog about, and I get a little bit of $$ for each time a reader clicks my ads. After you get enough clicks to earn $100, Google will mail you a check.......anywho- I checked my account today and I should be receiving a check shortly for $102! Easy money, huh?
Anywho- if you were by any chance interested, email me and I can refer you.
Also, I've been posting my old textbooks on Amazon for sale. Now that it's getting closer to school starting, I've sold 2 in the past 24 hours! So, if you have any textbooks laying around or any other books that you'd like to sell- check out to see if you could make any $ off of 'em!
I'm still fighting my sinus infection, so nothing too exciting is going on around here. I had my new hire meeting w/ the school district today- it's kinda crazy to think I'll be working full time soon!
Slow Cooker Bolognese
10 hours ago
I got a check from blogher the other day! So exciting! :)
ohhh my gosh!!!! its sarah glenn!!!
I think my mom is stalking you or something because she found your blog and send it to us.
I got a little update for you....Kristeen and I are moving to Baton Rouge in August!
Can I do it on my blog?
That's great!!!
I must be doing something wrong with google...I'm only at $10! LOL
hi sarah!! i wanted to tell you i am enjoying reading your blog and i was going to tell you i was thinking about doing my own blog, and now i have actually done it. like just now!! how do you sign up to earn $$ on google. i need some $. i love your house. ya'll are doing a great job. we would love to see you.
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