Did you know that Target has their own store coupons? And, you can combine them with manufacter coupons that you find in the Sunday inserts? :)
Every 2 weeks, Target posts new coupons on their website. Here's the link to the current ones:
Even though the coupons don't expire for at least a month, they are pulled from the target website when the next 2 week cycle of coupons is published on Sunday.
One of my favorite coupon sites, http://www.hotcouponworld.com/ has created a coupon generator where all the un-expired Target coupons are stored. (You have to create a user name to access this portion of HCW, but it's free and no spam, I promise! Once logged in, go to Coupon Resources, and on the drop-down menu you will see 'coupon generator')
Once you are in the coupon generator, you can pick how many coupons you'd like to be printed. (ex- I want 4 dole salad coupons, so I enter 4 next to Dole Salad, and click 'get coupons'.) You can print multiple coupons at once, saving on paper and ink!
Also, you can print the current, online coupons at Target! Go to the kiosk where you print registry information, and click 'Target.com'. Go to the bottom of the page, click 'Super Target Coupons and Specials', select your coupons and print on Target's blue paper using their ink! :)
What great deals have you gotten using Target coupons? Or what deals do you have planned?
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Slow Cooker Bolognese
10 hours ago
Thanks for this tip. I just discovered this today! So it is every two weeks? That is awesome!
Deals? Can we say, "Huggies!!"
I also went nuts with the pepsi coupons. 4/10 with 1/1 coupons. Great deal for around here.
Great tip! I went to check it out. I didn't know that Target had their own coupons or even accepted coupons. I didn't know that some Target stores had bakeries either. Learn something new every day!
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks! I'll have to check these out! :-D
Thank you for sharing. I'll have to check it out.
Very valuable information. Thank you for teaching this to all of us. I'll be going to their kiosks.
Thanks I love Target and love saving money even more!
Great tip on the link for pulled coupons! Target always seems to run sales on coupon items right after they take them off the site--try to hold on to their coupons until near the expiration date for the best deal.
Thanks! I like to use the generator at A Full Cup:
but I like knowing where different generators are at, because sometimes one place will find one that another has not.
Great tips! I especially like where you print the coupons out on their paper and with their ink!
I had no idea - thanks!
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